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– Car Lockout
– House Lockout
– Car Key /Ignition Replacement
– Transponder Key / Ignition Replacement
– Lock Change
– Mail box / File Cabinet Lockout
– Mail box / File Cabinet Change
– Frash Lock Installation
– Car Key Extraction
– Safe Lockout
– Door Repair
– More (call us)[/mk_fancy_title][/vc_column_inner][/vc_row_inner][/vc_column][/mk_page_section][vc_row][vc_column][mk_fancy_title tag_name= »h2″ style= »true » color= »#393836″ size= »25″ font_weight= »inherit » font_style= »inhert » letter_spacing= »0″ margin_top= »0″ margin_bottom= »18″ font_family= »none » align= »left »]About Us[/mk_fancy_title][vc_column_text disable_pattern= »true » align= »left » margin_bottom= »0″]We are the people with the right solution. When you cannot seem to find your key anywhere, when you dropped it into the river, broke it, or when the lock simply won’t work, you’re tempted to just call a platform. The dealer is always happy to help – for a small fortune – and that is only half of the problem, because you also need a ride home. No need to do that ever again. Just give us a call. Here, at Serrurierqc, we always have an expert ready to help, wherever you are.

serrurierqcSerrurierqc is the automotive locksmith service. We are based in Montreal, Quebec, but our experts can help you wherever you are in the Montreal area.

We work in the automotive niche because we believe in being the go-to specialists in our field. Instead of generic, half-baked services, we offer specialized, up-to-date, expert services through people who know all there is to know about each car brand and key model.

We have six professional objectives that shape a team like you have never seen:

To sum up: Serrurierqc is a dedicated team of creative, well-trained, mindfully-selected professionals who can help you any time the keys or locks of your car malfunction. Call us now if you need us or if you wish to know more about what we offer, our rates and our coverage area.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]

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